“Desegregation isn’t enough to create equity in our schools. We developed a nationally recognized policy platform to achieve every aspect of real integration.”


The 5Rs of Real Integration

You can find reflection questions for young people to consider the impact of the “5Rs” in their lives here

Race and Enrollment: Let us learn together. We can not succeed in isolation.

Our public schools must provide a diverse and inclusive environment for every New York City public school student. New York City public schools currently isolate many students of color, rely on racist and classist admissions policies, and have perpetuated school segregation and white supremacy due to a complex, inefficient and hyper-competitive high school admissions process. We stand for every NYC public high school reflecting the diversity of the city. We want every New York City public school to give equal opportunities to all students regardless of the color of their skin, income of their parents, or where they live.


Restorative Justice: Care for us like growing kids. We are not criminals.

All New York City public high schools must be free of police and military presence, and be free of metal detectors, protect the integrity and humanity of each student, and help build student leaders.

The current discipline practices and policing in our schools reflect a disconnect between the reason, the consequence, and the future of the students.


Resources: Give us the tools to unlock our power. We can all achieve with support.

The Department of Education must provide equitable distribution of resources across all of New York City’s high school programs to meet the constitutional requirements of a “sound, basic education." We stand for sufficient number of qualified staff, updated curriculum, support for failing students, support for students with IEP(s) and in ESL, appropriate class sizes, up-to-date books, library, technology, and labs, a safe orderly building as defined by the Center of Educational Equity. We also stand for equitable access to after school programs, school supplies, sports teams, AP courses, music and art programs, guidance counselors, and quality kitchen equipment to make healthy, nutritious, and appealing lunch.


Representation: Show us our communities at the front of the classroom. We all have the power to lead outside of the classroom.

All New York City public high schools must hire faculty that is inclusive and elevates the voices of communities of color, immigrant communities, and the LGBTQIA+ community so that student identities and experiences are reflected in the leadership. Schools should intentionally foster youth leadership, and involvement on campus and districtwide policy and practices. Reasonable accomodation should be made so that student representation is present in school, district and citywide governance.


Relationships: Teach us our stories. We want a safe place for all to be.

All New York City public high schools must be considerate and empathetic of the identities of all students, focus on the power of different backgrounds, and act of build relationships between students across group identities.

We stand for a curriculum that teaches students about their history, encourages them to express themselves and be proud of their culture. We believe all schools should prioritize funding towards cultural clubs and safe spaces for students.