Believe in the power of young people to lead TODAY to shape tomorrow.
IntegrateNYC’s youth advocacy program supported students in developing their personal, professional, and civic leadership skills. Youth at IntegrateNYC held non-profit leadership positions with adult mentors. You can find a sample a IntegrateNYC curriculum and programming plan here.
IntegrateNYC Leadership Model
The student leaders of IntegrateNYC sat on a Leadership Council. These young people guided the strategy and action of the campaigns. As determined by our Youth Development Rubric, each student has demonstrated passion for justice, a commitment to personal growth, and willingness to take responsibility for the transformation of our school system. Members of the Leadership Council co-held positions with adults (such as Executive Director, Program Director and Communications Director ) and served as employees within non profit organization, striving to reach the standards of youth leadership outlined in INYC ladder of youth development.
City Wide Youth Council
The citywide Youth Council is made up of student delegates from across NYC's districts. Young people met monthly to learn about the issues, share their experiences, build projects, take action, and advocate for solutions together. Frequent participation led to an opportunity to join IntegrateNYC’s Leadership Council.
Community School District 15 Middle School Youth Council
This specialized youth council started in 2018, to aid implementation of the D15 Diversity Plan, and to work with students and educators from different schools in racially and socioeconomically diverse, Community School District 15 (serving Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Boerum Hill, Fort Greene, Red Hook, Carroll Gardens, and Sunset Park). The goal was to build relationships, share experiences, learn about equity and integration together. Special thanks to MS 839, MS 51, MS 447, Park Slope Collegiate, and IS 136 Dewey. The D15 middle school council welcomed over 200 students and educators to monthly “Community Gatherings” and ended In 2023.