New Member Applications Open
IntegrateNYC is looking for high school and college students to join our team! If you are interested in working to integrate our New York City public schools and create a more equitable society apply now!
Apply Now
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week
Role: Learning about the issue, developing as a leader, planning and facilitating Youth Council, and supporting your school or local community in being involved in the work of INYC.
Compensation: $300 stipend
*Requirement: You must be in high school to be a Lead*
Time Commitment: 5-6 hours per week
Role: Designing and managing our projects and campaigns, speaking at conferences and panels, and, connecting with students and partner organizations.
Compensation: $15/hour
*Requirement: You must have been a lead first to become a Director*
Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per week
Role: Designing and delivering leadership development opportunities for Leads, supporting Leads facilitate Youth Council, and logistically support Leads.
Compensation: $18/hour
*Requirement: Working in organizing and advocacy for 2+ years and interested in developing new leaders*
Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per week
Role: Designing and building our internal organization, building and sustaining partnerships, working with the INYC Board to create and manage strategic priorities and finances.
Compensation: $18/hour
*Requirement: You must have been with IntegrateNYC for 2+ years*
If you have a question, please email us at